Sunday, December 27, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Basics - Dry Rainbow

Newest album. Same process as before: One night, same samples.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Made in one night using the same samples. Enjoy.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Possibilities, oh those golden possibilities.

Pretty soon I'll be releasing either =----=--=--=----=, an album of nonsensical titles made of nothing but characters, or the second in the Basics line, The Vice Pt. 2 (Fatalism).

I could use a band logo.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Basics - The Vice, Pt. 1

The beginnings of a series that will occasionally be interrupted by gibber-gabber. This is the first in the Basics albums.


1. Enoch
2. Wings -In the Name of-
3. Captain Ahab, Look Ahead
4. From Scratch
5. CricketJaws
6. Nightmare.
7. Sunset
8. Genesis Morph
9. Rain, Winds, and the Scourge of the Lands

Touch my download.

No One Needs To Live

I really like that cover.

This EP wasn't available via like the rest of my material (so far) has been. In fact, I gave the link to one or two people (not counting a casual post on /mu/), and they said they enjoyed it. By far the most experimental of The Slender Man's albums.

1. System 64
2. Terrix
3. ...But No One Wants To Die


To be honest, this is just one really, really long song. An hour and twenty-ish minutes, to be exact.


1. Morning Breaks

Dark City

Quick Fact: I am vividly terrified of that door.

This album is my favorite so far. I really like the way I laid some of these tracks.


1. Streets
2. Majestic
3. Radio Waves
4. In the Daytime
5. God, Complete
6. Oh, the Dreamer

A Plea

You really can't tell shit from that cover, but this is the first The Slender Man album, A Plea. The original cover had me in it, but I decided I dislike it and switched to this white forest picture I took in a forest. Grim, huh?

One of the tracks on this album, Desire (Demo Version), is likely my most popular song. People seem to dig it.


1. Desire (Demo)
2. The Winds Dying Down
3. Eye of the Hurricane
4. Strength
5. Impaired
6. Cries For Help
7. Am I Crazy?
8. Painted Numbers